As we mentioned in the previous section, a resume is your letter of introduction to the company that you choose in your job search. Personnel managers will find your CV as the first reference and, therefore, the importance of a good resume is that presenting a poor resume or a good resume can make a crucial difference: finding or not work. So, never underestimate the importance of a good resume and put all your efforts to make your resume is flawless.

The importance of a good curriculum vitae also lies in the fact that it is basically essential to present it as a first step to finding employment. You can not do without the curriculum and you must give it the importance it deserves, striving to summarize all your academic and work experiences, offering clear, understandable information and highlighting all those things that may be most interesting to the company you are going to look for a job.

The purpose of a curriculum vitae is, first of all, to get the attention of the person in charge of “recruiting” staff for your company, so we insist on the idea that it is a mistake to underestimate the importance of a good curriculum vitae, understanding a good curriculum vitae both content level (that is, the experience you can really contribute, both academically and work, and that will be the one that, after all, will open more doors within your sector) , as well as at the presentation level.

In the first sense, on the content level, you can not expect an interesting resume to fall from the sky. You have to really want to work and reap enough experience, either through careers, modules or courses related to the job you are looking for, on the one hand and in the strictest labor sense. The more experience you have, the more chance you have of getting a good job. Also, to appreciate the importance of a good resume, it is also important that there are no long periods of time without activity. It is a good idea to look for free courses in times when it is harder to find a job, but the important thing is to see that you have not been totally inactive for long periods of time.

In the second sense, at the level of style and presentation, you must also know how to value the importance of a good curriculum vitae. After all, the style and manner in which the curriculum vitae is presented will be what makes your curriculum call attention from the first moment … or look like one more of the pile. It always helps to keep the style in mind and present a striking resume. Be that as it may, the basics and most important is that you really assume the importance of a good resume and that, therefore, devote the time that is necessary to make a resume in conditions that can help you in the job search.